Monday, February 05, 2007

mban, amb i mbiserable

It's a sinus/cold thing. We know this. A doc visit isn't necessary, BUT if I were to go to one, the conversation might go something like this today:

Helpful Doctor: What symptoms do you seem to have?
Me: All.
HD: For what? It says upper respiratory...[consulting what I think is the paperwork I just spent 20 minutes completing, myself, squinting, because my monkey is totally selfish and said he doesn't want to catch what I have - yet, really, it's not the paperwork at all but a golf-themed connect-the-dots][I never know this.]
Me: Sure.
HD: When I press here [temple squish] how does it feel?
Me: Like a little slice of heaven.
HD: How about here? [pressing over uppercheeks, steadily harder]
Me: Like my head is a giant grool-filled balloon and my brains are about to be violently expelled through my ears. Ever seen a baby blow out a diaper? [Look in eye. Response: irrelevant.] That is how that feels.
HD: Okay. Won't push there anymore. Don't need to. [Forced jovial demeanor.] (But if I did, Subject DNM, you couldn't move fast enough. There'd be no running. Tommy would have your ass strapped down before you could sneeze.)
Me: ACHOOOOO! Ugh. Sorry. Ugh. And. Ack. [Wipes nose with hand. Waits for tissue.] (Aren't they supposed to lecture/care about germs? I want my mom. I want hugs. Huuuugggsssss.) [whimper]
HD: Lots of pressure in your head?
Me: I think some of it's coming from the outside, too.
HD: [suspicious - read: disassociative - silence]
Me: Okay, I'll expand upon that. Elucidate. Radiate. Compensate. Try not to hate. Love your mate. Youth's irate? [Still no reaction.] Mediate? [yawn] Um, ya, so my eyes are all puffy, like I want to take them out, irrigate my eye sockets and hopefully also my entire sinus cavity, let a warm summer breeze run through it, then - and only then - return my chamomile-soaked and cucumber-essence-cooled eyeballs back to their proper sockets. It would be noticeable if they were turned around, right? Not that it matters. Don't look at me like that.
HD: Strange. You don't have a fever.
Me: Stranger, you don't know what I have. You don't know what you have. Right here. But what don't I have that's been missing all these livelong years? I know there's something, but...what, doc? What?
HD: There's no Oracle space in the billing. Sorry. Think you're set.
Me: Can you do one of those breast cancer exams, the nice one, when you sort of walk your fingers all over them? That feels like warm butter. Seriously. I think it'll help. No takers? Can we get someone else in here?
[HD exits.]

I think how clean my hair feels. So light. So unfettered with care of its appearance, and leave. The bill: $480. The futility: endless.

Time to make the donuts! And disinfect my keyboard!


lanyard said...

"Doc, I don't suppose you do those old-fashioned pelvic massages? It wouldn't cure my sinuses, but it would show a good-faith effort on your part to uphold your Hippopotamus oaf. Prescribe a regimen for the good of your patient! Me!"

(The idea of asking for a breast exam for comfort-purposes is HILARIOUS to me.)

But I'm sorry you're a sickie, Miles Friendish.

DMn said...

I'm not above this.

How Victorian "medicine"/Rasputin of you to suggest, though. (Wait. That's what your link is! M'duh - like you wouldn't be well-versed in the old "but this will make you feel better" routine.)(Hm. I was always told 'hysteria' meant 'wandering womb.' Wikipedia, you aren't being very clear here.)


lanyard said...

The phrase "wandering womb" definitely rings a bell. Wait, I can't hear the bell anymore cuz my meandering uterus just blocked my ears. My fallopes and my eustachian tubes just merged into one MEGA-TUBE! Totally tubular!

--> Tubular Bells --> Trans-Siberian Orchestra --> Rasputin!

Six Degrees of Rasputin: now that's a challenging game. Eat it, Bacon.

DMn said...

If they can market K. Fed, we can market THAT game.

But we'll have to move quickly. I just heard my womb knocking on my diaphragm (the inborn one), which can clearly only mean it's about to try to strangle me.

lanyard said...

Motion to change the meaning of "Double-D's" to "Double Diaphragms."

DMn said...

Seriously, how do people use those 'other' ones and not giggle at the thought?

"Oh YES. YES. Um, hold on. One sec." [fumble, fumble]

"It's in?"

"It's like an eardrum in there. Ya. Try to, erm, vaginear?"