Tuesday, January 16, 2007

golden globes, minus the 'glob'

So, we're girls. We watched the Golden Globes and were happy.

Helen Miren was nominated in one year for playing BOTH Queens Elizabeth (performances aside, much bigger fan of Bess I). Cameramen cutting out from the tear in dress gains appreciation. Respect, good. Annette Benning, drink your champagne by the buckets and make sassy little faces at the camera, be smashing in your '20s-inspired fab dress, and continue to astonish your husband who clearly was in need of some astonishing. Reese, rub his (ex-Ryan's) undeserving face in it. America F.*, Ugly Betty's writing could use some seasoning but YOU are a doll. Make us cry, all of us, as much as you like. It was touching seeing so many women genuinely supporting and moved by you. You made us expect calls from our mothers (who, as it turned out, missed your speech). And all biases aside, Meryl Streep, you are so utterly awesome. I wish they could capture you more just being your witty, pointed self. Scratch that - just be our neighbor.

(* - to whoever the interviewy wench in green was who 'greeted' America as she exited the stage...by ignoring her, appropriately enough given the premise of Ugly Betty, then asked her, "What do you say to ALL those people who didn't think you should be on the show?" - we say a big, steaming, hairy 'way to be a kill joy, Queen Cunt.' Serious, who is this socially retarded?

Oh, that's right, you have your job for a reason.)(We're also sorry it had to take the wind out of your sails just a smidge by having your presenters be Jennifer 'Love' Hewitt and whatshisnuts.)

post script re: something that we know is out there, but always makes your tummy twinge just a bit - Men Who Get Laid By Way Of Wealth Alone:
  • Jay-Z (Beyoncé, I don't care how much money he has, and not that you're his mental equal - most likely - but the visual is tragic.)
  • and, as ever, that horrid little man, The DONALD (At least when he got Ivana, she was on the rebound from the tragic death of the love of her life and was used to Eastern European men, pre- Eastern Europe's reintroduction to general social progress.)

I'm just waiting for P. Diddy and Paris Hilton to get together. You know it's coming.


lanyard said...

Don't forget Hugh Laurie's awesome acceptance speech! Dear Gourd, I lub him sao.

DMn said...

And BILL NYE. Oh, Bill Nye.

lanyard said...

Have you seen Jay-Z's new Budweiser ads? Why is he doing that? Does he not have enough bajillions of dollars?

It seems... cheapening.

Also, re: visual tragedy, he should only ever be photographed. Still images. No movement. In my humble etceterohohoho.

DMn said...

If only this could've been enforced in utero, but have him kept there. NO ex utero.

lanyard said...

I think that would infringe on his mother's rights not to have a JAY-Z-SIZED FETUS IN HER WOMBLY!

DMn said...

In the world where a womb can entomb, she can expand. On the other hand, a ten-foot tall Jay-Z-Maker is perhaps more alarming.

There's just no end, is there?