Wednesday, January 17, 2007

bury me in these

You can't see them well enough, true, but these are the singularly greatest pair of shoes in the last 150 years, easy. They're fish skeletons! - somehow sexy yet hilarious all at once. Parfait! J'adore! I'd forgotten all about them, which I'm ashamed of, but could never really forget them. And while this photo doesn't do them justice, they're by Giuseppe Zanotti who totally spanks dullard Blahniks any day. These are even actually comfortable. I think he may be the god of women's feet, in a Greek mythological way. That good. Could you make fish on feet look hot? Ya. Unga flippin' bunga. Me love.


lanyard said...

I'm bringin' SexyYetHilariousBack.

-- Giustin Timberlotti

(Justiseppe Zanottilake)

DMn said...

The next time we feel defunct, let us give thanks there is no such being as Gustiseppe Timberlotti.

Or IS there?