Monday, March 12, 2007

but bet a bit of better butter bot

Great Toast Spirit, I am a-sorry...for careful introspection has produced an undeniable fact. Given that only 3/5 of the time that I re-insert you to get you 'just a bit' more toasted do I actually manage to pop you up before being charred, and that 100% of the times you are saved from charring it is because I have planted myself directly in front of the toaster, it can only mean that 2/5 of the time I am a thoughtless and/or callous bastarda perfectly willing to chance your non-carcinogenic consumability. Attention span of a flea: here! Regret: moin and mine alone. It would only be right that I drop off the toaster on the dried-leaf strewn steps of an old church in the night, but I am not right. I see myself for what I am now, Toast Spirit - a Wrong Selfish. You deserve better, and butter. The best butter!


lanyard said...

I know what side your bread's buttered on.

(The burnt side.)

(This could be either side. Or both. Double-butter.)

Aron Ahlstrom said...

I have tasted your toast, and find it acceptably char-licious...though if I remember correectly, it needs a vertical flipping half-way through the charring. Am I shaving years off my life by eating it thus?

lanyard said...

P.S. I have been meaning to say: I like how your archives are called Pre-Now.

That phrase calls to mind the kind of memory-less, past-perfect existence to which I aspire.

DMn said...


Gather ye toasty taste buds while ye may.

Dale Earnhardt

DMn said...


You are past-, present- and future-perfect. 'Tis true.