Tuesday, April 10, 2007

magic of our pearls

We did the only natural thing as JS, Emi, and I engaged in our seasonal bout of exercise (this time: pilates) and pronounced the special skills of our individual Blackberry Pearls.

JS's can perform abortions.

Then everyone stood in a triangular formation like aliens, looking back and forth at one another, smacking gum in what would be nice to imagine could be mistaken for alien-speak.


Anonymous said...

Oh, exc--

... mmm, nahh, I haven't the heart.

Instead, you might like to see a picture of bacon taped to a cat.

DMn said...

iPod, shmiPod. Until it can let us download your brain every 15 minutes, I remain unimpressed.

Couldn't that photo be the equivalent though of a bleeding shark (to other sharks)? (Although, would the shark try to eat itself? IT MIGHT.)