Monday, May 22, 2006

Ron Howard’s Boy-crush on Tom Hanks

For the love of GOD, man, stop casting Tom Hanks. It’s not that The Da Vinci Code is so deserving of greatness, or that it isn’t really fairly fitting that Forrest Gump is the lead in such shoddily written mainstream-ness; it’s only that the character is supposed to be sexy. An old Harrison Ford would’ve been better. No, we really can’t get enough of him in Indiana Jones-esque roles.

Why do you insist on Tom Hanks? You have other friends. What’s Potsy been up to? Or just go for a totally hot stranger. An unknown. An-nee-one. I hear there are a few other actors out there. Spread it around a little, you know? Give us some eye candy already, us female types. It’s a horrible thing to put dear Audrey Tautou with him…an unbelievable – nay – visually disturbing action to do so, that makes my inner muscles wince.

And that’s not the good kind of muscle contraction they’re capable of. Don’t make them do the bad kind.


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