Wednesday, February 28, 2007

forcibly awakened

When the alarm went off this morning (accidentally jarringly loudly), this is what I'd hoped was its source.

It was not.


Aron Ahlstrom said...

Again, I wish I could type a stifled laugh. snrrk...ROAR!

DMn said...

For The Totoro is always with us.

I don't know...people may have to start battling him for my affections. Some people, anyway.

"I don't know, Grandpa, if I do heart you MORE, persay..."

Unknown said...

does it have a snooze button?

DMn said...

That alarm clock is so cute...minus that it would be waking you up and actually making you get out of bed. How long would one of those likely actually 'live' around someone who isn't a fan of sudden forced waking?